Saturday, December 4, 2010

Agenda 21 For Dummies - Great Overview

The excerpts included in the video are obviously from a conference held either early in 2009 or late in 2008.  This plan has been well known for many years by activists and defenders of freedom, but, as with everything else really important, why hasn't the media done its job to make the public aware of this?  Why must we ask the same question of our elected representatives?  The answer must be that they do not really serve the public and that common sense would tell us that their loyalty has been purchased by those who support the program and goals of Agenda 21

liberalbias100 | January 23, 2009 | likes, 50 dislikes
Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Truly an interesting watch.